Regulated Firms

Re/think specializes in assisting Regulated and in the UAE, and those looking to expand into the UAE. Our Regulatory and Compliance team specializes in advising clients in becoming authorised and obtaining various Financial Services Permissions in ADGM and DIFC, as well as the mainland.
Our multiple service offerings make us an ideal partner for firms looking to set up and operate in the UAE:

  • Advising on how to become authorised
  • Designing and project managing roadmap to authorisation
  • Assisting in the creation of Regulatory Business Plans
  • Assisting with the design and mapping of the control environment
  • Creating compliance policies and procedures tailored to the client’s business
  • Assisting with the design of operational risk management frameworks
  • Liaising with Regulatory Authorities throughout the different stages of the authorisation process
  • Assisting with the design of Financial Models required as part of fulfillment of prudential requirements
  • Assisting with incorporation or registration once In principle Approval is received
  • Recruitment of teams, both sourcing of quality staff from the region, as well as recruitment of specific skills sets from abroad


  • Outsourced MLRO and CO
  • Regulatory Advisory
  • Non-Executive Director
  • Outsourced Finance Officer
  • Outsource Accounting Services
  • VAT Advisory, registration, and quarterly VAT returns
  • HR Policies, Procedures, visa processing, employment contracts, and ongoing on call HR support
  • Compliance Health checks

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9