About Re/think


Our story started in 2013. It grew from a need and desire to find an advisory service firm that delivered a level of quality expected internationally, by professionals with a genuine regional expertise, and that could provide services at a reasonable price. We wanted these services to be a value-add to entrepreneurs and family offices operating domestically, and international firms moving to the region. The result is Re/think, bringing together top-quality, like-minded professionals, with experience within SMEs and international businesses, as well as consultancy practices.

Re/think’s philosophy is based on understanding our clients’ unique needs and providing added value through any service we provide. Re/think is our name, because it is the way we work together with our clients, to always “rethink” the way we provide services, the way we do business, the way we partner within the UAE community, and the way we advise our clients in running their operations. Our success is measured by the success of our clients, our employees, and of the ecosystems in which we work and live. We value our clients and relationships, and we look forward to meeting you and helping you along your journey.


Re/think is a boutique accounting, regulatory and compliance, VAT advisory, audit, HR consultancy, recruitment and business advisory firm. We specialize in assisting SME clients with cost-effective, high quality services and solutions. We create value by investing in highly qualified and motivated people and working closely with leading industry partners to provide our clients a one stop shop for all of their business support.

This support ranges from our core services to CFO and board level advisory for the sectors and markets we serve. Our ability to add value reaches across business size, as our offering can be adopted to start ups through to large complex firms.

For entrepreneurs and international businesses please see “Sectors”, “Startup Hub”, as well as “Our Services” to see how we can help you today.

For Venture Capital, Private Equity, Family Offices, Corporate Services providers and Law Firms, please see “Sectors” as well as “Our Services” to see how our service offering can be tailored to your needs to create a long-term partnership for your own firm and for your clients.

For fund managers, Fintechs, payment solution providers, crypto exchanges, and other regulated activities please see our regulatory and compliance services “Our Services” pages.

Please make an enquiry to find out more and speak to a senior member of our team.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

