All posts by: Rethink Publications.

by in Press Release

Re/think boosts its Regulatory & Compliance Capabilities in UAE

13 February 2023, Dubai, U.A.E: Re/think, the multi-service business advisory and outsourcing firm, is pleased to announce that it has boosted its regulatory and compliance capabilities in the UAE with the appointments of Ms. Hena Iqbal and Ms. Nisha Shah as Senior Directors of the Regulatory & Compliance Services, as clients increasingly seek timely, proactive and […]

by in Press Release

Press Release: ARC Group, M/HQ and Re/think announce partnership | Signal a new chapter in shaping the UAE financial services industry

6 March 2024, Dubai, UAE: M/HQ, the UAE’s leading private wealth optimization platform, its sister company Re/think Middle East, business advisory and outsourced services firm, and ARC Group, the globally renowned financial services and advisory firm, are proud to announce their strategic partnership arrangement aimed at shaping the future of the UAE’s financial services industry. […]

by in Press Release

Seizing Opportunities: UAE’s Exit from the FATF Grey List and its Impact on Asset and Fund Management

The removal of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list signifies that the jurisdiction has made significant progress in addressing deficiencies in its anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) measures. For asset managers and fund managers considering the jurisdiction, this development could have several implications: Improved Regulatory […]

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