Accounting Systems
Implementation Services


Our team specializes in finding solutions for Small and Medium size businesses seeking cost effective and easy to use systems. We strategize with clients to help find the right solutions for their operational, reporting and growth requirements. Where our team is unable to complete an implementation directly for our clients, we act as advisors on the selection process of a system and remain on-board as support for the implementation of workflows and training around the system.


SME & Small Regulated Entities:
For SME’s we specialize in setting up cost effective and powerful systems that can grow as they grow, through add on technologies. These could be accounting systems, but also POS, Inventory, and CRM systems required to run your business. For many of the products below we can both advise and implement the system.

  • Accounting & Reporting Systems such as Xero, Quickbooks, Zoho Books, First Bit, Sage
  • CRM, Point of Sale, Inventory and time management systems that integrate with accounting systems


For larger firms, we provide the below value added services, which we find are most often difficult for the current internal team to do themselves. Our experts, are able to look across the firm and come up with a report of requirements, as well as a independent recommendation on what systems would be best for you. We go into engagements with the goal of providing the most cost effective, efficient, and most importantly usable system the team that is available. We believe that for most companies the smaller and easier solution can often be the best. Although some ERPs can do everything the company could want, there are a large amount of customizations (costs), and it often leads to a system that your current workforce may not have the skills to use correctly. We will match the system with the skills, as well as with the functional needs of the company.

Provide a full evaluation of system needs from operations, procurement, accounting, reporting, HR, CRM, and Inventory management.

  • Create Gap report of the requirements of the company stakeholders and users
  • Research and identify possible systems to implement
  • Work with senior management and owners to review demonstrations of systems from vendors, and help advise on selection of system and vendors
  • If required, we can work on the client side as project managers and subject matter experts, to help manage the 3rd party vendor, who will implement the system.
  • Assist senior managers and owners in training of staff, documentation of new processes, as well as advisory on restructuring and recruitment of teams around the new technology

Investment in systems has a cost to the company that goes far beyond the system cost. It can transform the way teams work, how the company is structured, and how it performs for clients. This skill set to manage the above scope is often not found in one single person in the company, and often can not be done without a senior full time resource leading the project. This makes outsourcing the preferred solution to ensure that your project is a success.

Please make an enquiry to find out more and speak to a senior member of our team.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9